If the Student has not yet applied for an Idaho Driver’s Permit, do not submit enrollment. All Students must apply for an Idaho Driver’s Permit before enrolling. For more information on how to apply for an Idaho Driver’s Permit, you view ITD’s website by clicking here. 


  • Payment: Drive Smart Idaho full course enrollment fee is $375.00 per student. The Behind-the-Wheel Only instruction is $275. You will be emailed a PayPal invoice. Please pay upon receipt to secure the Student’s place in Drive Smart Idaho’s Driving School. Deposit payments are allowed on the invoices for “Full Course” enrollments only. Full payment must be received before Student will receive their Driver’s Permit. Enrollment fees provide the Student with online access to Driver’s Ed course work and behind-the-wheel instruction. Assuming the Student completes and passes online courses and their behind-the-wheel instruction, they will receive the Idaho Driver’s Permit.
  • Service Area: Drive Smart Idaho primarily serves Owyhee (Within 20-mile radius of Marsing, ID) and Canyon Counties. If you need Driver’s Ed, but do not live in Owyhee or Canyon County, you should first contact Luci@DriveSmartIdaho.com (or by phone/text: 208-850-6351) prior to enrollment to determine service availability. There is no guarantee Drive Smart Idaho will be able to serve students in outside of Owyhee and Canyon County. Please do not proceed with enrollment without confirming service availability, if you reside outside of Owyhee or Canyon County.
  • Behind-the-wheel (Students under 17): To conform with Idaho Driver’s Ed business law, Drive Smart Idaho, LLC will only accept Certificates of Completion for online coursework from www.DriveSmartIdaho.com,  www.IDLA.org (Idaho Digital Learning Alliance)www.DriversEd.com, or Idaho Online Drivers Education (by Brian Johns). If the Student has received in-person classroom/coursework, it must be from an Idaho-approved public or private resource. You can view all Idaho public programs HERE. You can also search for Idaho Licensed private Drivers Ed businesses HERE.
    • If the Student has not received their classroom/coursework from one of the resources listed above, Drive Smart Idaho, LLC will be unable to provide the Student their permitDo not complete the Behind-the-wheel only enrollment if the student has not received classroom/coursework from one of the approved resources listed.

If you would like to check my driving availability before enrolling, you can do so by clicking here.

Full Course ($375)

Includes access to State of Idaho approved online coursework and 6 hours of behind-the-wheel instruction.

Behind-the-Wheel ($275)

Includes 6 hours of behind-the-wheel instruction as required by Idaho State Law. This option should only be selected if the Student has already received their classroom course instruction from another state-approved source.